The Georgia Tech Drumline is a vibrant, driving force for the band, celebrating an outstanding tradition of performance excellence and fun! Please be sure to fill out a Band Application if you have not done so already, so that we can keep you updated with the latest information, such as new exercises, camp dates, etc.
If you are auditioning for the Georgia Tech drumline also fill out the Percussion Audition Form.
Mini Camps
Summer Mini-Camp update: 2024
We are excited to continue in-person percussion camps for Summer 2024 on June 23rd and July 13th. You are encouraged to contact Marcus Hawkins with any questions about the repertoire. In addition, you are welcome to submit a video of yourself playing any of the material to marcus@marcushawkinsmusic.com if you would like to receive personalized feedback.
There will be three highly recommended mini-camps for the battery percussion section (snare, quad, bass drum and cymbals) June 23rd and July 13th from 9:30AM to 4:30PM PM. These camps are not specifically required, but are recommended so that you can learn about playing style and ensemble development in the Georgia Tech Drumline. This gives the staff an opportunity to work with you before the final auditions at the beginning of band camp in August.
Please fill out this form to indicate your attendance at these camps: Be sure that you have filled out a Band Application AND the Drumline Audition Form prior to signing up for summer camps.
1. Download the audition material for the section for you would like to audition. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KBILywssbwmhqAxCLGu4yXjQjadyd3bX?usp=sharing
2. Check your e-mail regularly for information regarding registration, camps, and auditions.
3. Practice!
Drumline Info and FAQs
This is a percussion only camp that happens 4 days prior to the full band camp.
2024 Georgia Tech Drumline Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the 2024 Georgia Tech Drumline. Use this document to help you prepare for summer camps, band camp, and the rest of the marching band season.
Note: Within the GT Band, the term “drumline” is used to address both the battery and front ensemble.
Summer Camps: We will be holding three summer “mini-camps” for those that plan on auditioning on Snare Drum or Tenors.
These are not auditions and are not mandatory, though they are highly recommended. At the mini-camps we cover our approach, work on new music, warmups, lot jams, and technique. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KBILywssbwmhqAxCLGu4yXjQjadyd3bX?usp=sharing
Mini-camps for fall 2023 will be held on the following dates: JUne 23rd and July 13th from 9:30AM to 4:30PM.
The camps are a great opportunity to get constructive feedback about your playing as the summer progresses so you have a better shot at making the instrument you would like to play during the season. It’s also the perfect time for you to meet some new faces and drum in a relaxed environment without the pressure of an audition.
Front Ensemble P5: Front Ensemble: Members are invited to arrange music for the ensemble to play for the “Pre-Pregame Pit Plaza Performance” (P5).
Here are some things to consider when choosing music: - Pop tunes are great, though they can get repetitive. Consider how the arrangement will sound without lyrics. -How can you mix up phrases to make it interesting? - Music that has dynamic and melodic contrast work the best. If you have any questions as you are arranging, feel free to ask for advice! When finished, please submit all pieces (in the form of a Finale or Sibelius file) to the percussion staff for editing. We’ll work with you to make sure the parts are fun, interesting, and easy to read. We also maintain a library of past music arranged for the group. See the percussion staff for details.
Battery Auditions/Drum Camp: Since many members are from out of state, and since many new members register for classes between spring and summer, battery auditions are held during the first few days of “drum camp.” This is the period of time when the percussion section reports to band camp a few days before the winds.
The first day of auditions is Thursday August 8, and the line will most likely be set by Saturday afternoon. We understand that it’s not typical to audition members this late, and encourage you to attend the summer camp so you can walk into the audition as prepared as possible. All battery members must audition for a spot (even vets). Most of the audition will be in a full line or sectional setting. At the beginning of auditions you are invited to start on your first choice instrument, but be prepared to be moved throughout the line as the staff finds the best fit for you. Keep in mind that the GT Drumline plays at a very high level, so the audition process can be intimidating and eye-opening for new members. We ask that you remain flexible and open to trying another instrument in case you get moved off of your first choice - you’re guaranteed to have a great time in the GT band regardless of what you’re playing.
Throughout the audition, evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
• Sound Quality/Touch • Timing • Technique • Reading Ability • Memorization • Attitude • Playing Ability/“Chops” • Ability and willingness to adapt quickly to new ideas
Front Ensemble Auditions/Drum Camp: Though there is no audition to be a member of the front ensemble, there will be an informal audition to determine what instrument you will be playing within the ensemble.
The first day of auditions is Thursday August 8, and spots will be set throughout the weekend.
Most of the audition will be in a full ensemble or sub-sectional setting.
Throughout the audition, evaluation will be based on the following criteria: • Sound Quality/Touch • Timing • Technique • Reading Ability • Memorization • Attitude • Playing Ability/“Chops” • Ability and willingness to adapt quickly to new ideas
Members who prefer to play marimba and vibraphone will also be evaluated on the following criteria: • Ability to play in all major and minor keys • A basic understanding of chord structure • The ability to fluidly and confidently display a fundamental understanding of the four-mallet stroke types and their application within various contexts • Knowledge of how to apply shifting as it relates to efficient playing • Mallet motion control as it relates to efficient playing and nonverbal communication within the ensemble
FAQ: “What should I bring to the summer mini-camps?” Food money (all meals are on your own), sticks (bass drum and front ensemble mallets are provided), water bottle, drum pad, music/ warmups, earplugs, and anything else you might need for a typical drumline rehearsal.
“Is housing provided during the summer mini-camps?” No. Housing is on your own. Members who live on campus or nearby may be willing to let you crash at their place on Friday night. Ask around!
“Is housing provided for drum camp/band camp?” Mostly yes, housing is provided for both drum camp and band camp. Information will be sent to you throughout the summer regarding housing.
“I live out of state and it’s difficult to make it to the summer mini-camps. What should I do to increase my chances of making the instrument I want to play?” This is very common. We try to schedule at least one of the mini-camps the week of a FASET session to make it easier to attend. We’d like to see you at least once before the audition, though we completely understand if you need to save your money. Your absence at the camps will not be held against you at the audition.
“Is food provided at the mini-camps?” No. We encourage sections to eat together, so plan on bringing some cash for food. About $15 per meal will be plenty.
“How many spots are available?” This depends on the number and general playing level of the auditionees. We try to march as many members as possible, but in the end, personnel will be based on how many people are playing together at the same level. The people who play well with each other and sound the same will get the spot no matter what our numbers are. Our final numbers will be about 7-10 snares, 2-6 quads, 5-6 basses, and as many as possible on cymbals and in the front ensemble.
“Do GT snare drummers use traditional grip?" Yes - the GT snareline plays traditional grip on a flat/level drum.
“How many drums are on the tenors/quads?” Five. (one spock drum).
“I want to play bass drum. How many do you have, and which drum should I learn for the audition?” We typically march six bass drums. Your best bet is to learn the melody of the splits so you’re familiar with the part as a whole, then practice several different drums to prepare for the audition. We understand the inherent difficulty in this, so we’ll tolerate having your music in front of you for the first few days, or until your spot is set.
“Do I have to provide my own sticks/mallets?” For mini-camps and band camp, snare drummers and tenors/quad drummers must provide sticks. Bass drum and front ensemble mallets will be provided. Once numbers are set, several pairs sticks/mallets will be distributed to members for the season.
“When does the drumline rehearse once classes start?” Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:25 - 5:25 in the fall. For questions regarding scheduling and registration, please contact Chris Moore chris.moore@gatech.edu
“I’m interested in becoming a member. What do I need to do?” Fill out the band application. Download the audition material for the section you would like to audition for.
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